Javescript Practice Day2 : Static members (variable and functions)

Static variables - to declare a static variable use constructor function name in the declaration of the members and same to invoke as show in the below example

function simpleInterst(tenure)
    //public instance variable
    this.t = tenure;
    //principle and rate will be same so we are creating a static field
    //static members are declared with the constructor function name
    this.rateOfInterest= function()
           //static members are invoked with the constructor function name
        return (simpleInterst.principle * simpleInterst.rate * this.t)/100;

var  year = new simpleInterst(5);
document.write("<p> 5 years </p>"+year.rateOfInterest() + "<br/>");
var  year = new simpleInterst(6);
document.write("<p> 6 years </p>"+year.rateOfInterest() + "<br/>");
var  year = new simpleInterst(10);
document.write("<p> 10 years </p>"+year.rateOfInterest() + "<br/>");

Static Functions/methods - static methods are accessed with the help of constructor function name

function countObject(name)
    countObject.count=++countObject.count|| 1;
        return countObject.count;

var obj1= new countObject("obj1");
var obj2= new countObject("obj2");
var obj3= new countObject("obj3");
var obj4= new countObject("obj4");

//static methods are accessed with the help of constructor function name
document.write(countObject.getCountObject()+"<h1> Asscessing a static function with fucntion name</h1>");


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