Javascript Practice Day2 : Properties in Javascript and add validations

We can add properties in Javascript same way we do in other object oriented programming language to keep the encapsulation property .We use "Object.defineProperty " to create property around private variable there by adding validation /restriction on changing the values of the variables

//constructor function
function  student(name,age)
    //private variable
    var _name=name;
    var _age= age;

//declaring the property on age and restricting it to 1-100 , on giving more that 100 it throws an alert
        get : function(){
            return _age;
        set : function() {
            if(value<1 || value >100){
            alert("Invalid age");

//declaring the property on name and making it readly , name is a private variable and can be accessed only through property    
        get: function(){
            return _name;


//object John is created out of student and '30' is passed as a parameter
var John= new student("John",30);
document.write( +"<br\>");
document.write(John.age +"<br\>");
//since age is public the value is changed to 1000 which throws alert


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