Javascript Practice Day 3 :Abstract class and inheritance

Abstract class in Javascript cannot be instantiated  with new keyword and therefore any object that needs to be created will be done by Object.creat() method

// Abstract Class - any attempt to create an instance will throw an error
var shape = function(){
    this.shapeName= none
    throw new Error(" Cannot create instance of an abstract class");

//declaring a method in the abstract class
    return "Drawing "+this.shapeName;

// a class circle which inherits the draw method from the abstract class shape
function circle(shapeName)

//the instance of the object class is created by the Object.create method and assigned to circle class

// new instance of circle class is created
var c = new circle("circle");

document.write("Circle object created  <br/>");

the draw method of shape class is called via the circle class object
document.write(c.draw() +"<br/>");

function Square (shapeName)

var s = new Square("Square");
document.write("Square object created <br/>");
document.write(s.draw() +"<br/>");


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