Javascript Practice Day 5 : Implementing Method Chaining

Implementation of Method Chaining

var obj= function(){
    var i=0 ; //this is a closure and will be shared by all the function
      var add= function(j){
       i+=j;         //this is the operation
      return this;  // we return the object as this will help in achieving method chaining
    var subs = function(j){
      i-=j;        //this is the operation
     return this;  // we return the object as this will help in achieving method chaining
    var print= function(){
    return { add: add, subs: subs,print:print}; //create and return an empty object with different function attached to it --Step1

var x= obj() //Since we are returning a object from the above constructor function  as show in step1 we are not required to use new operator to create a new instance of the object.



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