Javascript practice Day 3 : inheritance

Inheritance   in javascript is achieved by prototyping the object of base class into the child class . Chile class object will have access to all the methods of the base class , If child class object refers a method , it is first checked into child class and then into base class.

function Employee(name)
{ name;

Employee.prototype.getName = function(){

Employee.prototype.getNameLength = function(){
    return this.getName().length;

var emp1= new Employee("John");

function Manager(salary)
    this.salary= salary;

//Inheritence is happening here Employee object is assigned to Manager

//Manager obect is created and it can access the properties of the Employee class
var memp=new Manager(2000);

document.write("Name : "+memp.getName()+"<br />");
document.write("Length Name : "+memp.getNameLength()+"<br />");
document.write("Salary : "+memp.salary +"<br />");


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