Javascript Practice Day2 : Private ,Public(Prototype), Privilege(this)
Private ,Public and Privileged members in a Javascript constructor function
Private Members - Private members in a javascript can be created by using the 'var' keyword while declaring the member i.e variables and functions . The scope of the members is within the constructor function
function student(firstName ,lastName)
//private field and function
var dateOfBirth;
//private function
var getDOB=function(){
return dateOfBirth;
Private Members - Private members in a javascript can be created by using the 'var' keyword while declaring the member i.e variables and functions . The scope of the members is within the constructor function
function student(firstName ,lastName)
//private field and function
var dateOfBirth;
//private function
var getDOB=function(){
return dateOfBirth;
Public member - These members variable are declared with 'this' Keyword
Practice.TeamA.customer= function(firstName ,lastName)
//public field
//public field
//privilege function
return this.firstName+" "+this.lastName;
//privilege function
return this;
Privilege function - These members functions are declared with the 'this' keyword .As shown in the below constructor function . Then can access the private methods .They can be accessed outside the
constructor function
Practice.TeamA.customer= function(firstName ,lastName)
//privilege function
return this.firstName+" "+this.lastName;
//privilege function
Public : Public member functions in a Javascript are declared by the prototype keyword. Public methods can access the privilege methods but cannot access the private methods .They can be accessed outside the
constructor function
//constructor function
function student(firstName ,lastName)
//private field and function
var dateOfBirth;
//private function
var getDOB=function(){
return dateOfBirth;
//previlidgeFunction - to create a previlidge function we use a this keyword
this.prevelidgeFunction= function(){
return getDOB();
//prototype -public function
return this.prevelidgeFunction();
Detailed Code
function student(firstName ,lastName)
//public field
//private field and function
var dateOfBirth;
//private function
var getDOB=function(){
return dateOfBirth;
//previlidgeFunction - to create a previlidge function we use a this keyword
this.prevelidgeFunction= function(){
return getDOB();
//prototype -public function
return this.prevelidgeFunction();
var student1= new student("John","Rambo");
console.log(student1.publicdateOfBirth()+"public function");
document.write(student1.publicdateOfBirth() + "<br/>");
console.log(student1.prevelidgeFunction()+"private function");
document.write(student1.prevelidgeFunction() + "<br/>");
<script type="text/javascript" src="TeamA.js"></script>
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="TeamB.js"></script> -->
<p>Hello World</p>
<div id="result">
<script type="text/javascript">
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