Multicast Delegate

Multicast Delegate

///-------------------understading Delegate //mutlicastDelegate -----------------------///
    class multicastdelegate
        delegate string function1(string display);
        static function1 fun = getMessage;

        static string getMessage(string display)
            return display + " this is Multicast delegate from getMessage";

        static string getMessage2(string display)
            return display + " this is Multicast delegate from getMessage2";

        static string getMessage3(string display)
            return display + " this is Multicast delegate from getMessage3";

        public static void Main()
            string t = fun.Invoke("Hello");

            //1st way of muticasting a delegate of 2nd form
            fun += getMessage2;
            string t2 = fun.Invoke("Hello");

            //2nd way of invocation of the delegate of 2nd form
            fun += new function1(getMessage2);
            string t4 = fun("Hello");

            fun += getMessage3;
            string t3 = fun.Invoke("Hello");





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