Generic Delegate Action Func and Predicate

Generic Delegate Action Func and Predicate

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Memory_understanding

 //Generic Delegate with Action, Func and Predicate

    class genericdelegate
        static string getmessage(string hello)
            return hello+"This is func delegate";

        static void getmessageAction(string hello)
            Console.WriteLine("This is Action delegate"+hello);

        static bool getmessagePredicate(string hello)
            if (hello == "Hello Predicate")
                return true;
                return false;


        public static void Main()
            //Func delegate will return a value and the last argument in the argument list is the return type
            Func<string, string> fun = new Func<string, string>(getmessage);
            string t = fun("Hello Func");

            ///Action Delegate will not return any value //
            Action<string> act = new Action<string>(getmessageAction);
            act("Hello Action");

            //predicate Delegate return the boolean type//
            Predicate<string> pre = new Predicate<string>(getmessagePredicate);
            bool istrue=pre("Hello Predicate");






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