Asynchronous programming with delegates and CallBack

Asynchronous programming with delegate and CallBack
using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Threading;

namespace Memory_understanding

    public delegate int myfundelegate(int num);
    class myMethod
        public int myfun(int a)
            return a*a;


    class program
        public static void Main()
            myMethod a = new myMethod();
            myfundelegate d = new myfundelegate(a.myfun);
            IAsyncResult async = d.BeginInvoke(25, new AsyncCallback(mycallBackAsyn), "This from Main Thread");
            Console.WriteLine("Processing the operations");

        private static void mycallBackAsyn(IAsyncResult ar)
            AsyncResult a = (AsyncResult)ar;
            myfundelegate del = (myfundelegate)a.AsyncDelegate;
            int result = del.EndInvoke(ar);

            string msg = (string)ar.AsyncState;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} : the result is {1}", msg, result);




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