Strategy Design Pattern

We have a bunch of algorithms/functionality and can be applied to the data set only by
Depending upon the data, at runtime. So we use strategy design pattern
Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

// Liskov Substitution Principle

namespace ManualResetEvent_

//class which calls the interface and based on which the mehods are called.

    class Filetoberead
        public string fileName { get; set; }
        public string filetype { get; set; }

        public IFileRead fileread_;

        public Filetoberead(IFileRead file_name_new)
            fileread_ = file_name_new;

        public void CallFileReadClass(string Filename, string type)
            fileread_.CallFileReadClass(fileName, filetype);


    class Prog
        public static void Main()

        Filetoberead file1 = new Filetoberead(new FlatFileRead());
        file1.filetype = "FLAT";
        file1.fileName = "Test.flat";
        file1.CallFileReadClass(file1.fileName ,file1.filetype);


    interface IFileRead
        void CallFileReadClass(string Filename, string type);

// Family of algorithms////

    class XMLFileRead:IFileRead
        public void CallFileReadClass(string Filename, string type)
            Console.WriteLine("I am responsible for reading XML file" + Filename);

    class CSVFileRead :IFileRead
        public void CallFileReadClass(string Filename, string type)
            Console.WriteLine("I am responsible for reading CSV file "+Filename);

    class FlatFileRead:IFileRead
        public void CallFileReadClass(string Filename, string type)
            Console.WriteLine("I am responsible for reading FLAT file "+Filename);



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