POC on Restaurant ordering system using factory pattern

POC on Restaurant ordering system using factory pattern

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ManualResetEvent_

    //---------------------------------------------Factory Design Pattern  for createing Food Items---------------------------------------------------//
    abstract class IFood
        public string name { get; set; }
        public int quantity { get; set; }
        public int price { get; set; }
       public abstract void GetValues();

    class Rice : IFood
        public string name { get; set; }
        public int quantity { get; set; }
        public int price { get; set; }

        public Rice()
        public override void GetValues()
            this.name = "Rice";
            this.price = 20;
            this.quantity = 1;


    class Tea : IFood

        string name;
        int quantity;
        int price;

        public Tea()

        public override void GetValues()
            this.name = "Tea";
            this.price = 10;
            this.quantity = 1;


    class MilkShake : IFood

        string name;
        int quantity;
        int price;

        public MilkShake()
        public override void GetValues()
            this.name = "MilkShake";
            this.price = 20;
            this.quantity = 1;


    class Paneer : IFood

        string name;
        int quantity;
        int price;

        public Paneer()
        public override void GetValues()

            name = "Paneer";
            price = 100;
            quantity = 1;


    abstract class creator
        public abstract IFood factoryMethod(string type);

    class concretecreator : creator
        public override IFood factoryMethod(string type)
            switch (type)
                case "Rice": return new Rice();
                case "Milk": return new MilkShake();
                case "Paneer": return new Paneer();
                default: throw new ArgumentException("No Object of Mentioned type", "type");


    //------------------------------------ Factory Design Pattern -For Creating Food Items--------------------------------------//

    //------------------------------------Adapter Design Pattern -- For getting the food Items ---------------------------------//

    //------------------------------------Adapter Design Pattern -- For getting the food Items ---------------------------------//

    class People
        public string name {get;set;}
        public int mobile{get;set;}
        public List<string> food;

        public People(string name_, int mobile_)
            name = name_;
            mobile = mobile_;

        public List<string> orderFood(List<IFood> fd)
            food=new List<string>();
            foreach (IFood name_ in fd)
            return food;

    class Restaurant

        public List<IFood> fdItems {get;set;}
        creator p = new concretecreator();
        List<string> fd;

        public void createFood(List<string> fditems)
            fd = new List<string>();
            fdItems = new List<IFood>();
            foreach (string food in fditems)
                if (food == "Rice")

                    IFood rice = p.factoryMethod("Rice");
                    rice.name = "Rice";
                    rice.price = 20;
                    rice.quantity = 2;

                else if (food == "Milk")

                    IFood milk = p.factoryMethod("Milk");
                    milk.price = 10;
                    milk.quantity = 1;

                else if (food == "Paneer")
                    IFood paneer = p.factoryMethod("Paneer");
                    paneer.price = 100;
                    paneer.quantity = 1;

       class calculation_bill
            People p;
            List<IFood> fd;
            int totalbill_;

           public  calculation_bill(People p1, List<IFood> fd_)
                p = p1;
                fd = fd_;
                totalbill_ = 0;

            public int totalbill()
                foreach(IFood fd_ in fd)
                    totalbill_ = totalbill_ + fd_.price;

                return totalbill_;

    class Program_Main
        public static void Main()

            People Amit = new People("Amit", 8904);
            People Ajit = new People("Ajit", 7678);

            List<string> amit_order = new List<string>();

            Console.WriteLine("Customer name :" + Amit.name + " Mobile Number :" + Amit.mobile);
            Restaurant food_today = new Restaurant();

            Console.WriteLine("Amits Food Items");
            foreach (IFood fd in food_today.fdItems)
                Console.WriteLine(fd.name + " , " + fd.price);

            calculation_bill amit_bill = new calculation_bill(Amit,food_today.fdItems);
            Console.WriteLine("Amits bill" + amit_bill.totalbill());


            List<string> Ajit_order = new List<String>();

            Console.WriteLine("Customer name :" + Ajit.name + " Mobile Number :" + Ajit.mobile);

            Console.WriteLine("Ajit Food Items");
            foreach (IFood fd in food_today.fdItems)
                Console.WriteLine(fd.name + " , " + fd.price);

            calculation_bill Ajit_bill = new calculation_bill(Ajit, food_today.fdItems);
            Console.WriteLine("Ajit bill " + Ajit_bill.totalbill());





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