USING LINQ to SQL utility.(With and witout Lambda Expression)

To use Linq on the sql database, .net is required to have a map the database tables/stored procedures to Linq SQL classes.Right click on the solution
to and click on add new item, Select LINQ TO SQL classes , We will get a .dbml file file nae: linq_Sql created.From the server explorere panel you can drag and drop a table in the .dbml file
created. The .cs file of the .dbml file willl contain the filenameDatacontext class whcih is used to get the tables present there.

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            linq_SqlDataContext mydb = new linq_SqlDataContext();
            var employees = from name in mydb.Employee_Tables
                            where name.Age > 25
                            && name.Salary > 12000
                            select name.Name;
            Console.WriteLine("List of People from Database with Linq Query ");

            foreach (string n in employees)

            linq_SqlDataContext mydb2 = new linq_SqlDataContext();
            IEnumerable<Employee_Table> tb = mydb2.Employee_Tables.Where(u => u.Age > 25 && u.Salary > 12000);

            List<Employee_Table> lst = mydb2.Employee_Tables.Where(u => u.Age > 25 && u.Salary > 12000).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("List of People from Database with Linq Query with IEnumerable ");

            foreach (var n in  tb)

            Console.WriteLine("List of Peopl from database with Lamda expression without IEnumerable");
            foreach(var n in lst)



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