Interface can inherit from Interface,Abstract class can inherit from Interface

Interface can inherit from Interface,Abstract class can inherit from Interface and declare the method as abstract

namespace Reflection
    interface IB
        void mymessageB();

    //Interface-2 extending 1
    interface IA:IB
        void mymessageA();
    //Abstract extending Interface2 ,Interface1 , butimplementing only one interface1
    public abstract class Atest: IA
        public abstract void mymessageA();
        public void mymessageB()
            Console.WriteLine("My Message B");

    //Concrete class implementing the unimplemented Interface from inheriting abstract class
    //Abstract class can inherit interface but may or may not impement the interface
    //but a concrete class will have to print then
    class AConcrete :Atest

        public override void mymessageA()
            Console.WriteLine("My Message A");

        //public override void mymessageB()
        //    Console.WriteLine("My Message B");

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AConcrete a = new AConcrete();



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