A simple Event Handling with Delegate Example

  A simple Event Handling Example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;

namespace ManualResetEvent_
    // A delegate definition for handling the event . They are like binders linking the event and the handler
    public delegate void transactionhandler (object sender, transactionArgs e);

    public class transactionArgs : EventArgs
        public int Transactionamt {get;set;}
        public string Transactiontype {get;set;}

        public transactionArgs(int amt,string type)

    //Publisher of the eevent contains definition of the event of type delegate
    public class Account
        public event transactionhandler transactionMadeEvent; //Creating an Event of type the handler
        public int BalanceAmt;
        public Account(int amt)
            BalanceAmt = amt;

        protected virtual void OnTransactionMade(transactionArgs args)
            if (transactionMadeEvent != null)
                transactionMadeEvent(this, args);

        public void Debit(int debitAmount)
            if (BalanceAmt > debitAmount)
                BalanceAmt = BalanceAmt - debitAmount;
                transactionArgs args_ = new transactionArgs(debitAmount, "Debit");

        public void Credit(int creditAmount)
            BalanceAmt = BalanceAmt + creditAmount;
            transactionArgs args_1 = new transactionArgs(creditAmount, "Credit");


    //Subscriber of the event

    class TestEvent
        private static void EventHandler(Object sender, transactionArgs e)              // the handlers for the event
            Console.WriteLine("Account is {0} for {1} dollars", e.Transactiontype, e.Transactionamt);

        private static void SendMessage(Object sender, EventArgs e)                      // the handlers for the event
            Console.WriteLine("SMS sent to you mobile");

        public static void Main()
            Account acct = new Account(1000);
            acct.transactionMadeEvent += new transactionhandler(EventHandler); //Event is linked to the handler via delegate
            acct.transactionMadeEvent += new transactionhandler(SendMessage); //Event is linked to the handler via delegate
            acct.Credit(500); //When this method is called it will raise the event which is always declared inside a protected virtual method
            Console.WriteLine("Your Current Balance" + acct.BalanceAmt);



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