Understanding CSS

Understanding CSS Element Class And ID

Sizes-Relatives sizes

em -   Based on the font size of the current element
rem -  Based on the font size of the html element (16px by default)

The main size is denote in the style sheet as mentioned below
html {
The subsequent sizes in the different elements are based out of it. "rem" is calculated based out of 
size mentioned in the html element.

   div:first-child {
And "em " is based out of size mentioned in the current element
ex   -  Height of the font's lowercase x- height
ch   -  Width of the font's 0 (zero) character

Puseudo Element and Pseudo Class

Pseudo Element represents those elements where some actions
causes the css to fire 

Pseudo class is denoted by single ":"  and Pseudo Element is denoted by double "::" as denoted below

/*The below div represent the parent and child relatoinships .
 In the entire HTML document the first div element undergoes
  such changes.   */

  font-family: sans-serif;

    div:first-child {


        div:first-child::first-line {

        div:first-child::first-letter {
            color: darkkhaki;


Pseudo class is denoted by single ":"

View Window

It is denoted by the tag "vw" . The below element article is displayed over 75 % of the total viewing window available
     article {

Page Layout with CSS - 

Positioning the Elements
1) Fixed
2) Relative
3) Inline   - Al the elements are arranged side by side
4) Absolute 

The Box Model
1)Margin:  Space outside /around and element
2) Border: Visible border around the element
3)Padding : Space withing the element but outside the content


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