
Showing posts from May, 2015

Checking Space in Linux System and Package Sizes

Checking Space in Linux System and Package Sizes 1) dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n 2) sudo apt-get install wajig     wajig large 3) du --max-depth=1 /home/apotheosis | sort -n -r Removing Package for Linux system 1) du --max-depth=1 /home/apotheosis | sort -n -r

Media query in CSS

Media query in CSS For responsive web designing, 1) Media Type      All,Print,Screen,Speech ,Braille,Embossed,handheld,Projection,TTY,TV      The one which are highlighted /marked bold are mostly used. 2) Media Features      Height/Width,Device-Width/Device-Height,Orientation,Aspect-ration, Device-aspect-ratio     Color,color-index,Monochrome,Resolution,Scan,Grid,     The highlighted ones are most used 3) Logical Operators     AND ,OR,NOT – These are logical operators that are mostly used. Example Queries @media(min-width:500px){...} Page width>500px @media(min-width:700px)and(max-width:960px){...} 700px<Page width<960px @media screen and not(device-aspect-ratio:4/3){...} Device aspect ratio is not 4:3 @media screen and (device-aspect-ratio:16/9),scree and(device-aspect-ratio:16/10){...} Device aspect ratio is 16/9 or 16/10 CSS importing ...

Understanding CSS

Understanding CSS Element Class And ID Sizes-Relatives sizes em -   Based on the font size of the current element rem -  Based on the font size of the html element (16px by default) The main size is denote in the style sheet as mentioned below html {     font-family:Verdana;     font-size:16px; } The subsequent sizes in the different elements are based out of it. "rem" is calculated based out of  size mentioned in the html element.    div:first-child {         font-size:1.25rem;     } And "em " is based out of size mentioned in the current element ex    -  Height of the font's lowercase x- height ch   -  Width of the font's 0 (zero) character Puseudo Element and Pseudo Class Pseudo Element represents those elements where some actions causes the css to fire  Pseudo class is denoted by single ":"  ...