Media query in CSS For responsive web designing, 1) Media Type All,Print,Screen,Speech ,Braille,Embossed,handheld,Projection,TTY,TV The one which are highlighted /marked bold are mostly used. 2) Media Features Height/Width,Device-Width/Device-Height,Orientation,Aspect-ration, Device-aspect-ratio Color,color-index,Monochrome,Resolution,Scan,Grid, The highlighted ones are most used 3) Logical Operators AND ,OR,NOT – These are logical operators that are mostly used. Example Queries @media(min-width:500px){...} Page width>500px @media(min-width:700px)and(max-width:960px){...} 700px<Page width<960px @media screen and not(device-aspect-ratio:4/3){...} Device aspect ratio is not 4:3 @media screen and (device-aspect-ratio:16/9),scree and(device-aspect-ratio:16/10){...} Device aspect ratio is 16/9 or 16/10 CSS importing ...