Arduino Uno - LEDs sequential lightings
This is the first project on Arduino UNO and the idea is to create a sequential lighting of LED . Requirement : Arduino UNO Board JumperCable: 4 LEDs: 4 2 Ohm resistors : 4 Bread Board : 1 The connection is show as per the video below The White wire is connected to the GND pin on Arduino Board and -ve on the Bread Board The Yellow wire is connected to PIN 10 on the Arduino Board The Orange wire is connected to PIN 13 on the Arduino Board The Red wire is connected to PIN 12 on the Arduino Board The Gray wire is connected to PIN 11 on the Arduino Board The 2 ohm resistors are connected from the -ve pin and the line 'E' on the bread board The Leds have one leg longer the the other . This leg is the +ve end and the -ve end is connected along the resistor line Download Sketch IDE for Arduino project and run the below program /* A simple program to sequentially turn on and turn off 3 LEDs */ int ...