
Showing posts from August, 2018

Programming paradigm

InterView Preparation - Log Day 1 - 1) Angular 2 + supports various javascript frameworks 2) Dart, Typescript,ES6 ,ES5 --> langulages used to develop applications in Angular 2 framework 3) Javascript modules are the collection of javascript objects using JS Module Pattern    a)  classic Pattern i.e    var sampleModule = (function() { //private variables var a=10; var b=20; //private functions var getSum = function(){ return (a+b); }; //private functions var getProduct = function(){ return  (a*b); }; //expose objects return{ sum: getSum, procduct: getProduct }    })();    Console.log(sampleModule.sum());    console.log(sampleModule.product());    ()--> is for exexuting the objects   b) CommonJs Pattern   var sampleModule = function() { //private variables var a = 10; var b = 20; this.sum = function(){ return (a+b); }; this.product = function(){ return (a*b); };   }   module.export= sampl